Cardarine (GW-501516): Effects, Dosages, and Safety

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Cardarine (GW-501516): Not Your Typical SARM. Discover What It Can Do!
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I realized that I very rarely publish articles about selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs).

I will correct this, although the drug I am going to discuss in this article is not exactly a SARM. However, it is often sold within this group of drugs.

Ivan Vlasov fitness athlete — shapeexpert
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Cardarine (Cardarine)

To be precise, cardarine (cardarine) or GW-501516 does not belong to selective androgen receptor modulators.

Technically, it is a modulator, but of PPAR receptors. More specifically, PPAR-delta receptors, which can be involved in the development of certain diseases, including diabetes, atherosclerosis, arthritis, obesity, and cancer.


Cardarine was created in 1991 as a joint development by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK – then still two separate companies) and Ligand Pharma. Clinical trials began in 2000, but all research was halted in 2008.

The drug was tested in several directions, but the main focus was on combating obesity.

The reason for this decision remains a mystery, as by that time cardarine had demonstrated significant effectiveness in the chosen direction!

However, laboratory research continued outside of GSK, yielding even more impressive results: cardarine indeed helped fight atherosclerosis and diabetes. Unfortunately, the results regarding cancer were not as promising...

To reiterate: cardarine is a modulator of PPAR-delta receptors. Nevertheless, both here and in the sports world, it is classified as a SARM. Well, fine: "Call it what you like, just don't put it in the oven!"

Review personal experience with cardarine

First impression – "Wow!". Second, after a few days – the same "Wow!", but louder and with excitement. What you immediately notice when you start taking cardarine is the complete disappearance of joint pain. Bam – and hello, freedom of movement!

And this effect lasts for quite a while. Remember, cardarine is a well-researched drug. Several studies focus specifically on suppressing inflammatory processes; below I provide the title and results of one of them.

Salvado L. et al, PPARβ/δ prevents endoplasmic reticulum stress-associated inflammation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells through an AMPK-dependent mechanism, Diabetologia. 2014 Oct; 57(10):2126-35)
The study concluded that cardarine not only prevents the onset of inflammatory processes but also prevents insulin resistance by regulating blood glucose levels. This ability to regulate glucose levels explains the "fat-burning" properties of cardarine.

However, it's not just this ability, as the effect is very strong. It is worth noting that this effect is more pronounced in people with a significant amount of fat, but cardarine will definitely help those with less fat as well.

Cardarine and Endurance

Two to three days a week, I dedicate to running. Under the influence of cardarine, endurance during runs not only doubles but significantly increases. The same can be said for endurance in the gym, although I haven't been there for a while...

Regarding the "negatives"... I started writing and then paused – what negatives can I note? Nothing, really... This raises the question: why is cardarine still not sold in pharmacies?

Use in Strength Sports

Professional bodybuilders are very receptive to anything new: they strive to try any new drug in practice – hoping it brings even the slightest benefit.

Cardarine has earned an honorable place in their arsenal – practically everyone uses it at some point during their preparation. It's worth mentioning that professional bodybuilders include cardarine not only in their pre-competition regimen but also use it during mass-gaining periods.

Precisely because of its ability to help endure much longer training sessions. Additionally, due to its property of preventing ligament damage: even if microtraumas occur, they heal very quickly.

This last feature makes cardarine extremely useful for powerlifters, arm wrestlers, and weightlifters. By the way, it also helps to fit into the weight category – for those who need it, of course.

It's also important that cardarine helps "chemists" control cholesterol levels. Those who use it regularly will definitely not develop atherosclerosis.

Use in Other Sports

Finally, cardarine can be successfully used by those engaged in running, cycling, swimming, skiing. And also by fans of martial arts or team sports.

It is rumored that at the Beijing Olympics, literally every second athlete in endurance sports used cardarine. Unfortunately, this drug is now considered a doping agent.

So those who have dedicated their lives to professional sports will most likely have to forget about cardarine.

Combined Use

A few words about using cardarine together with other drugs. For those who rely solely on SARMs, cardarine is best combined with ostarine or ligandrol.

Athletes looking to increase endurance should use either cardarine alone or try a combination of cardarine and AICAR.

It is known that a popular anabolic steroid like trenbolone is contraindicated for those with cardiovascular problems. And those who fear developing heart diseases prefer to stay away from trenbolone.

Cardarine practically suppresses all the "negatives" that come from "tren". Moreover, these two drugs can be considered synergists in fat loss.

Disclaimer: The site administration does not promote the use of anabolic steroids or any other pharmaceuticals. The information is provided for informational purposes only, is not a guide to action and does not replace medical advice.

Ivan Vlasov
fitness coach project creator
Fitness, lifestyle, health — three main directions dedicated to this internet resource. I simply love what I do. That's why I created the 2GYM project. Learn more
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  • This commment is unpublished.
    sasha · 3 years ago
    Про Фитарин что можете сказать?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Yuri Bombela · 3 years ago
      Вы имели ввиду фентермин?
      • This commment is unpublished.
        sasha · 3 years ago
        fitorine GW0742
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          Yuri Bombela · 3 years ago
          Это агонист PPAR-рецепторов, все тех же. Снижает инсулинрезистентность. Всего лишь испытание в качестве антидиабетического средства проходит. О его эффективности ничего сказать не могу
    • This commment is unpublished.
      iris · 3 years ago
      принимала 3 месяца-неплохо :) если выбирать уардирин и феторин, то кардарин мне больше заходит, связка остарин +кардарин — бомба для девушки
  • This commment is unpublished.
    igorg · 3 years ago
    Как и сколько его принимать?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    max · 3 years ago
    Про Лигандрол и Остарин хотелось бы Ваше мнение
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    Alexandr · 3 years ago
    За счёт чего идёт предотвращение к воспалительным процессам?
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    Вячеслав · 3 years ago
    Какой фирмы принимали кардарин?
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    Konstantin · 3 years ago
    Причиной остановки исследований называют кратное повышение вероятности возникновения рака.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Yuri Bombela · 3 years ago
      В начале 2009 года, действительно, были опубликованы результаты исследования, которые говорили о том, что кардарин вместо того, чтобы бороться со злокачественными опухолями, провоцирует их рост. Именно это исследование стало причиной прекращения работы с препаратом.

      Но в этом исследовании было два очевидных изъяна: во-первых, лабораторным крысам – препарат испытывали именно на них – скармливали кардарин на протяжении двух третей их недолгих жизней. Я не знаю, кому из людей в здравом уме придет в голову принимать без перерывов этот препарат на протяжении, например пятидесяти лет. И во-вторых, доза – в пересчете на вес человека составляла от 45 до 150 мг в сутки. А это гораздо больше того, что
      вам понадобится.

      То есть, риск остается, он никуда не делся, но настолько мизерный, что им, честно говоря, можно и пренебречь. В остальном все нормально: кардарин не токсичен для печени, не вызывает и других сбоев в работе внутренних органов
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    Юрий · 3 years ago
    Добрый день, какая суточная доза для мужчин и женщин и как его принимать?
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    Вячеслав · 3 years ago
    Прям чудо препарат, уже хочу попробовать :)
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Евгений · 3 years ago
    Я бы отметил субъективные побочки всё-таки, которые многие отмечают: сильная забитость мышц, особенно ног как после бега, так и после силовой тренировки. Ещё диспепсические явления, поэтому надо стараться принимать во время или после еды. У некоторых отмечается ещё повышенное сердцебиение независимо от загрузки и вообще довольно странный тонус организма, иногда с ухудшением самочувствия.
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    iris · 3 years ago
    В России запрещён :( принимала год, живя в Европе, там он свободно продаётся, впечатления самые отличные, тренироваться 2,5-3часа с ним -легко
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Artem · 3 years ago
    Интересно , где можно приобрести, чтобы была не подделка ?
Ivan Vlasov
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