L-Carnitine for Fat Burning: Fact vs. Fiction. Exploring Other Benefits

L-Carnitine: Beyond the Fat Burning Myth. Unexpected Benefits You Should Know
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L-carnitine can already be called a trend in the world of sports nutrition: a genuinely useful supplement is attributed with some mythical properties.

Customers expect a miracle, and when they don't see one, they get disappointed and push the supplement to the back of their memory, considering it completely useless.

This is exactly what happened with the hero of my article today: L-carnitine suddenly started being marketed as a "fat burner," but frankly speaking, it turned out to be a poor fat burner. As a result, the genuinely useful properties of this supplement have been gradually forgotten.

Ivan Vlasov fitness athlete — shapeexpert
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What is L-carnitine?

L-carnitine (or levocarnitine, as it is also called) is considered a vitamin-like substance related to B vitamins. Although "technically" it is a regular amino acid.

In the body, L-carnitine is converted into two other amino acids - acetyl-L-carnitine and propionyl-L-carnitine. The first is also sold as a dietary supplement. However, it is still a mystery whether these two new carnitines have the same effect on the body as their "parent."

Biological Role

What does L-carnitine do in the body? In short, it is an important factor in metabolic processes. Let me decode this phrase (which, by the way, wouldn't mean anything to me if I didn't actually know what L-carnitine is).

So, fats can serve as a source of energy in the body – that's clear. Energy is extracted from them as follows: fats break down into fatty acids, fatty acids penetrate the mitochondria, and it is in the mitochondria that the oxidation of fatty acids and the synthesis of ATP – the universal energy source – occurs.

The more fatty acids enter the mitochondria, the more ATP is produced. And L-carnitine ensures their transport through the mitochondrial membrane.

L-carnitine and Fat Burning Properties

Based on this fact, our amino acid was endowed with "fat-burning" properties: it is logical that the more carnitine there is in the body, the more fatty acids it will deliver to the mitochondria, and the more of them will be oxidized, the less fat will remain under the skin. Everything seems logical.

Why Take It

Why might one need to take L-carnitine? It is impossible to explain in detail in 5 minutes what is wrong with the "fat-burning" properties of L-carnitine.

Therefore, I will refer to the results of studies, of which there have been many concerning L-carnitine – more than for any other supplement.

And the result of all, without exception, was the same: additionally taken L-carnitine has no effect on "burning" fat. The same applies to acetyl-L-carnitine, for that matter. All this does not mean that L-carnitine is useless.

Quite the opposite: it has found its application not only in the world of sports but also in medicine. Let's start with the latter.

Use of L-carnitine in Medicine

Levocarnitine must be taken by those whose blood level of this amino acid is too low. This can happen as a result of genetic abnormalities, as well as during hemodialysis – a method of extrarenal blood purification (used in severe kidney diseases).

A sharp decrease in L-carnitine levels in the blood can also occur in strict vegetarians, so doctors prescribe the supplement to them as well.

L-carnitine is indicated for heart attacks, it relieves chest pain caused by heart malfunctions, and also mitigates the negative impact on the cardiovascular system of a disease such as diphtheria.

However, it is worth noting that this remedy is contraindicated in myocardial infarction and recovery after it.

Beneficial Properties

What else is good about L-carnitine? The supplement is valued for its ability to significantly improve sperm quality by increasing the number of sperm and their motility.

And this amino acid is also useful in hyperthyroidism – it partially neutralizes such symptoms of this disease as rapid heartbeat, nervousness, and spontaneous bouts of weakness.

Finally, L-carnitine helps men and women of the "autumn" age to get less tired and maintain their vitality longer.

Use of L-carnitine in Sports

Of course, L-carnitine can be useful in sports. Firstly, decreased sperm quality is typical for those who are passionate about sports pharmacology, so levocarnitine – preferably along with acetyl-L-carnitine – should be actively taken during heavy "cycles." However, during light ones too – just in case.

Daily Dose

How much L-carnitine is needed for this? Two grams will be quite sufficient if you add one more gram of acetyl-L-carnitine to it. And if you add vitamin E to this "cocktail," it will be even better.

Secondly, heart problems are common companions for those who are overly passionate about working with "iron" and arrange too intense workouts. Therefore, a preventive intake of from one and a half to three grams of L-carnitine per day in this case will clearly not hurt.

By the way, the supplement can be taken for quite a long time without any breaks. In patients with heart problems, the course usually lasts about three years.

L-carnitine and Endurance

Well, and a purely athletic "feature" of L-carnitine: it helps to increase endurance during long-distance running. And not only when running but also when cycling or swimming. Runners and cyclists usually not only take L-carnitine before the start of a race but also drink carbohydrate drinks with L-carnitine during the race (swimmers, of course, do not have this opportunity).

But the same drinks can be used by those who are used to working out in the gym for a long time, often finishing strength training with a "ride" on a stationary bike. By the way, L-carnitine taken with carbohydrates is also better absorbed.


"Oh, how many wonderful discoveries the spirit of enlightenment and experience, the son of difficult mistakes, prepare for us..." Indeed, there are many discoveries in the world of sports supplements.

You just need to perceive them correctly, and then what you have already written off, based on your own "difficult mistakes," will turn to you with a new side. And, perhaps, it will turn out to be very useful.

Ivan Vlasov
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