List of Anabolic Preparations

This page contains a list of anabolic preparations and provides information regarding their use in sports.

Some mechanisms of action on the body, side effects, and overall safety are described. In some cases, an assessment of the rationality of use and effectiveness of certain androgenic anabolic preparations is provided.

This list includes not only preparations of the steroid group but also other substances with anabolic activity. More information on this topic is available in the section on Sports Pharmacology.

Anabolic Preparations

Ecdysterone: The Natural Steroid Enhancing Your Workout Results

What is Ecdysterone, its use in bodybuilding and other sports, its beneficial qualities and properties, as well as information regarding the implementation of these mechanisms in... Read more...

Stanozolol: Oral vs. Injectable - Which is Right for You?

Everyone knows a drug called stanozolol. True, many know it by the name of the most popular brand – "Winstrol," rather than by the name of the active ingredient, but that is not... Read more...

Oxandrolone Safe? The Unique Anti-Catabolic Steroid for Strength & Recovery

Oxandrolone is truly unique; it stands apart in the realm of anabolic steroids. This drug was created in 1964 by the American company Searle Co and was sold under the trade name... Read more...

Masteron vs Proviron: What's the Difference and Which to Choose?

"Masteron" (drostanolone) and "Proviron" (mesterolone) are often considered completely different drugs, and many try to use them together. However, they have more in common than... Read more...

Oxymetholone Is it the Best Choice for Muscle Gain? Uses, Dosage, Side Effects & Reviews for Bodybuilders

Oxymetholone was created in 1960 in Mexico, but it was brought into production by the American company Syntex under the trade name "Anadrol-50". The initial purpose of... Read more...

Fluoxymesterone: Not for Bulking, But a Powerlifter's Secret Weapon

Fluoxymesterone is a derivative of testosterone, somewhat similar to trenbolone. As with trenbolone, the main changes affected the B and C rings of the molecule: a fluorine atom... Read more...

Cardarine (GW-501516): Not Your Typical SARM. Discover What It Can Do!

I realized that I very rarely publish articles about selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). I will correct this, although the drug I am going to discuss in this article... Read more...

Trenbolone: the "King" of Steroids! Uses, Dosages and Side Effects

Trenbolone is a derivative of nandrolone: it also lacks the methyl group at the 19th position. This endows the molecule of the anabolic steroid with the ability to resist two... Read more...

Choosing the Right Testosterone Dosage: How to Find the Perfect Balance for Maximum Results

In this article, we discuss the rationale behind using different testosterone dosages to achieve various effects, indicators, or results. We explore the use of "soft" dosages and... Read more...

Methandrostenolone: The "Godfather" of Steroids - Benefits, Risks, and Uses

Methandrostenolone (methandienone) is the anabolic steroid that holds a special place in the history of sports in general and bodybuilding in particular. So special that calling... Read more...

Ligandrol (LGD-4033): One Of The Most Effective SARM for Muscle Growth and Strength Gains?

Ligandrol - a typical representative of the SARMs family. Today, this drug can be considered the most effective of all selective androgen receptor modulators. LGD-4033 boasts an... Read more...

Ibutamoren (MK-677): Unlocking Growth Hormone Secretion

Ibutamoren (MK-677, MK-0677) is a non-peptide, selective, long-acting agonist of ghrelin receptors. MK-677 mimics the action of ghrelin, which, in turn, possesses properties of... Read more...

Turinabol: Effects, Dosage, Side Effects & Reviews for Bodybuilders

Turinabol — this is the drug that will be discussed in this article. Some nuances of its use in bodybuilding and other sports are considered. Data on the effects of Turinabol on... Read more...

Build Muscle, Burn Fat: Use of Growth Hormone in Sports

This article discusses the role of growth hormone in sports, providing brief information on its purposes and the sports disciplines in which it is in demand. Read on to learn... Read more...

Boost Your Performance: How Gonadotropin Can Enhance Testosterone and Athletic Results

In this article, we will discuss the use of gonadotropin to stimulate testosterone production, including during the PCT phase after a course of anabolic steroids. The article... Read more...

Friend or Foe? Unveiling the Truth About Insulin in Bodybuilding

Insulin and Sports: This article discusses the use of this hormone in sports practice. You will learn why and for what purposes athletes use insulin injections. The principle... Read more...