SARMs - selective androgen receptor modulators

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARM) are a class of compounds that possess anabolic properties similar to anabolic steroids, but with reduced androgenic (stimulating the development of male sexual characteristics, such as muscle tissue growth) properties.

Unlike anabolic steroids, which bind to androgen receptors in many tissues throughout the body, specific SARMs selectively bind to androgen receptors only in certain target tissues.

In simple terms, SARMs are designed to act more selectively within a narrower specialization, without affecting other tissues and systems of the body. This property potentially reduces the number of side effects compared to anabolic steroids.

Most often, the action of SARMs is not as potent as that of steroid group drugs; however, as mentioned above, the number and nature of side effects may also be significantly reduced or absent altogether.

This page gathers materials containing information regarding selective androgen receptor modulators and their application in sports practice, including bodybuilding.