Ecdysterone in Bodybuilding: Benefits, Uses, and Effects

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Ecdysterone: The Natural Steroid Enhancing Your Workout Results
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What is Ecdysterone, its use in bodybuilding and other sports, its beneficial qualities and properties, as well as information regarding the implementation of these mechanisms in the human body.

From this article, you will learn how ecdysterone affects estradiol beta receptors, which combinations give the best effect in bodybuilding, and much other useful information.

Ivan Vlasov fitness athlete — shapeexpert
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Formally defined, ecdysterone is a "natural compound with a steroid structure, extracted from the roots and rhizomes of Leuzea carthamoides." In fact, it is a dietary supplement.

On the other hand, the first product in which ecdysterone was used as the active ingredient – the Uzbek "Ecdisten" – was registered as a pharmacological drug.

Ecdysterone is a plant steroid – a sterol, belonging to the class of ecdysteroids. Besides ecdysterone, the most well-known representatives of this class are ecdysone, turkesterone, and 20-hydroxyecdysone.

All of them are identical in their properties, but differ slightly in potency – much like, say, aromatase inhibitors.

The most interesting thing is that the Uzbek "Ecdisten" belonged (and still belongs) to the group of cardiovascular medications. This was somewhat unexpected for me personally.

However, I will explain everything further; for now, please remember that products containing ecdysterone can be both dietary supplements and pharmacological drugs – it all depends on how the manufacturer wants to classify them.

Basically, the same thing happens with omega-3 fatty acids: they are produced both as dietary supplements and as medicinal products. It is worth noting that in Ukraine, ecdysterone is currently presented only as a dietary supplement.

To repeat: ecdysterone is a steroid. What does this mean? That its molecule is based on gonane (also known as sterane or cyclopentaneperhydrophenanthrene) – a steroid skeleton.

Many people associate the word "steroids" with the word "hormones," but this is not entirely correct. Yes, the most well-known steroids are indeed hormones, but besides them, steroids also include cholesterol, bile acids, and cardiac glycosides used to treat heart failure.

As for hormones, not only testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and their analogs – anabolic steroids – have a steroid structure, but also cortisol, aldosterone, and female sex hormones – estrogens and progestins.

Even vitamin D – is also a steroid hormone, and we will talk about estrogens below.

Estradiol and Progesterone

Nobody can do without estradiol. For women, estrogens, along with progesterone, are the main sex hormones. The most active and widespread estrogen is estradiol.

This hormone is also present in the male body, though synthesized in relatively tiny amounts (synthesis occurs in the testes and adrenal cortex), but a significant amount is derived from testosterone through a biochemical reaction called aromatization.

Alpha and Beta Receptors of Estradiol

It is logical to assume that if estradiol is present in the blood of even the most die-hard "macho" men, it must be necessary for something. And it indeed is. Estradiol can activate two types of specific receptors – alpha and beta.

Activation of the first mainly leads to accelerated fat deposition in "wrong" places and sharp mood swings, while activation of the latter helps keep blood vessels and bone tissue healthy and control the ratio of "bad" and "good" cholesterol.

But that's not all: activation of beta-receptors causes cells to produce more IGF-1, which – with the right approach – can result in muscle growth.

What is the "right approach"? It is any protocol that raises testosterone levels in the body.

In 2014, an extensive study was conducted in Germany to determine the effect of estradiol beta-receptor activation on muscle growth – both in the presence and absence of testosterone.

Activating estradiol beta-receptors in addition to testosterone propionate injections achieved approximately 30% more impressive results.

However, this is not really news: experienced "chemists" know that androgenic anabolic steroids that tend to aromatize are much more effective than their non-aromatizing counterparts when it comes to muscle growth.

In the past, a drug called metandriol (essentially a prohormone) was often included in "cycles," the primary task of which was to activate estradiol beta-receptors. And a "cycle" with metandriol was always more effective than without it.

Biological Role of Ecdysterone

What does ecdysterone do in our body? An interesting question, the final answer to which was given quite recently – in April 2021.

It was then that a study was completed which established that ecdysteroids can remarkably activate estrogen receptors – specifically those with the "beta" prefix.

This means that the positive impact of ecdysterone on muscle growth is not a myth. And – yes: ecdysterone can regulate cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood, keeping blood vessels "clean."

In other words, it can be considered a cardiovascular drug, and a fairly effective one at that.

Anabolic Effect of Ecdysterone

Even before this, a study was conducted, which was essentially a continuation of the one I mentioned above. The title of this study is very telling and goes like this: "Ecdysteroids: A New Class of Anabolic Agents?"

And I must say that the answer to the question posed in the title was largely positive: the intake of ecdysterone (in terms of effectiveness, not the way it affects the body!) was comparable to taking dihydrotestosterone derivatives or IGF-1 injections.

By the way, the initiator of this study was the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). WADA has its own "interest": to determine whether a particular substance should be added to the "prohibited list."

So far, ecdysteroids have not been considered as doping, but it is clear that the "shop" will soon be closed: although taking ecdysterone on its own – without connection to the training process – did not give almost any increase in either strength indicators or muscle mass, noticeable results were achieved with regular training.

What do I mean by "noticeable"? Approximately 2 kg of "extra" muscle in 10 weeks of the experiment. And about a 10 percent increase in strength indicators, which is relatively significant.

Ecdysterone and Testosterone

How can all this be used in practice? Ecdysterone does not affect and cannot theoretically affect the level of testosterone your body produces. Anyone who calls it a "testosterone booster" is categorically wrong.

Although it can be said that ecdysterone is closely tied to testosterone levels: strictly speaking, the effectiveness of this sterol heavily depends on the level of testosterone in the blood.

If the test subjects' testosterone secretion was artificially suppressed, additional ecdysterone intake gave nothing at all.

The highest effectiveness was achieved with simultaneous injections of small amounts of testosterone propionate.

Ecdysterone in Bodybuilding

What does all this mean from a practical point of view? The ideal solution is to include ecdysterone in a "cycle" of androgenic anabolic steroids. In this case, it will effectively replace metandriol.

The ability of ecdysterone to maintain cholesterol balance will also come in handy, as it is known that during an AAS "cycle" the level of HDL decreases and the level of LDL increases.

Ecdysterone for Natural Athletes

And if you don't use androgenic anabolic steroids? Let me remind you: muscle mass and strength gains were achieved with regular strength training.

This is not surprising, as such training – provided it is properly organized – leads to an increase in the athlete's own testosterone levels.

However, you should not expect significant results. A certain effect can be achieved by combining ecdysterone with testosterone "boosters."

However, you should not expect too much from most "boosters," but you can find something relatively useful.

Another promising direction could be the combination of ecdysteroids and SARMs or some prohormones.

Ecdysterone in Endurance Sports

By activating estrogen receptors, ecdysterone can increase the number of red blood cells – erythrocytes, albeit slightly. In fact, its journey in sports began with athletics.

Ecdysterone for Women

The effect of ecdysteroids on the female body is significantly different from their effect on the male body.

For women, additional stimulation of estrogen beta-receptors will not do anything in terms of muscle mass, but it will strengthen bone tissue and increase skin elasticity.

Ecdysteroids can also be one of the means of hormone therapy during menopause.

Ecdysterone for Aging Athletes

The question of using ecdysteroids by aging athletes remains open – in all the studies, the age of the subjects did not exceed 30 years.

Doubts about the advisability of additional ecdysterone intake by men over 45-50 years old are caused by the natural increase in estradiol levels as the male body ages.

So, perhaps additional activation of estrogen receptors will be unnecessary. On the other hand, ecdysteroids only activate "useful" beta-receptors, so... In general, more research is needed.

Which Ecdysterone to Choose?

One of the studies I mentioned used a specific product – Ecdysone produced by Peak. According to the manufacturer, each capsule of their supplement contained 100 mg of ecdysone and another 100 mg of leucine.

But after a quality analysis, it turned out that instead of the claimed 100 mg, there was only 6 mg of ecdysone per capsule (there were exactly 100 mg of leucine) – this is a documented fact.

The manufacturers themselves admit that this problem is quite widespread: when extracting ecdysteroids from spinach or quinoa, more or less serious "shortfalls" occur in about half of the cases.

This does not happen with Leuzea and another source of ecdysteroids – Cyanotis. Therefore, the conclusion is: do not pay attention to supplements made from spinach and quinoa. The most reliable source of ecdysteroids is Leuzea carthamoides. The usual daily dose of ecdysterone is 200 mg.

How to Take Ecdysterone

Strictly speaking, you should ideally base your intake on your own weight, but to avoid complicating things, 200 mg per day can be taken as the optimal dosage.

It is worth noting that "Ecdisten" as a pharmacological drug is recommended in much more modest doses: 5-20 mg per intake and no more than 100 mg per day. This is because – I remind you once again – this drug is positioned as a cardiovascular remedy.

In all the studies I have reviewed, the daily dose of ecdysteroids was around 200 mg, and this did not lead to any noticeable negative effects.

Ecdysterone is presented in the supplement Natural Sterol Complex by Universal Nutrition. Besides beta-ecdysterone, the product contains other phytosterols like beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, mixed sterols, and other biologically active substances.

Reviews of Natural Sterol Complex

Overall, the product has many positive reviews from customers on iHerb. The American brand has long earned the trust of athletes, as has the online store itself. You can read product reviews by following the link above or below.

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Regarding the duration of intake, limiting yourself to two to three weeks as recommended by doctors is clearly not worth it: it is impossible to achieve visible progress in this time frame.

The optimal duration of ecdysteroid intake equals the optimal duration of an AAS "cycle" and is 8-10 weeks.

Surprisingly, ecdysteroids are considered one of the most promising directions in pharmaceuticals today: an anabolic agent that is also beneficial for the heart and other organs. So, it is definitely worth trying them at least once.

Disclaimer: The site administration does not promote the use of anabolic steroids or any other pharmaceuticals. The information is provided for informational purposes only, is not a guide to action and does not replace medical advice.

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