Fluoxymesterone: Understanding Its Impact on Strength, Muscle Mass, and Health

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Fluoxymesterone: Not for Bulking, But a Powerlifter's Secret Weapon
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Fluoxymesterone is a derivative of testosterone, somewhat similar to trenbolone.

As with trenbolone, the main changes affected the B and C rings of the molecule: a fluorine atom was introduced at position 9, and a methyl group (OH) at position 11.

As a result, an anabolic steroid was obtained, which is not subject to aromatization but can convert to a reduced form (analogous to dihydrotestosterone) under the influence of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase.

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Fluoxymesterone in Bodybuilding and Other Strength Sports

Altogether, this means that any significant gains in muscle mass from a fluoxymesterone cycle are not to be expected (in fact, such gains are not observed at all).

The strength of "flu" lies elsewhere – in increasing strength. This anabolic steroid inhibits the enzyme that breaks down cortisol, resulting in an increased level of the catabolic hormone in the blood.

To some extent, this is beneficial as it allows for a rapid increase in strength. Consequently, the primary users of fluoxymesterone are powerlifters and weightlifters – both take it before training and competitions.

In bodybuilding, however, the drug can also be used: 20-30 mg (no more!) over two weeks before a competition helps achieve muscle hardness.

It is important to remember that "flu" is extremely hepatotoxic, and combining it with stanozolol, for example, can become an "explosive" mix.

Effects of Fluoxymesterone on the Body

  • Increases blood cortisol levels
  • Causes a pronounced feeling of fatigue
  • Can cause sleep disturbances
  • Does not aromatize and has no estrogenic activity

Form of Release and Half-life

Fluoxymesterone: oral tablets, 5 mg in the original drug or 10 mg of active substance per tablet. Half-life – 9-10 hours.

Application Features

Mass Gain No Using it for mass gain is pointless
Strength Increase Yes Used actively, can significantly increase strength. In fact, a sharp increase in strength is the main advantage of fluoxymesterone
Endurance Increase Yes Used due to its ability to stimulate erythropoiesis
Competition Preparation: Fat Burning and Cutting Yes Can be used – gives muscles hardness. At the same time, one should not forget about fluoxymesterone's ability to increase blood cortisol levels, which can cause irreversible damage to muscles under limited caloric intake conditions
Post-Cycle Recovery (AAS) No Not used for these purposes

Recommended Dosages

Minimum Dosage 20 mg per day
Optimal Dosage 30-40 mg per day
Maximum Dosage 50 mg per day

Usually, half of the daily dose is taken before training. Due to the high hepatotoxicity of the drug, it is advisable not to use the maximum dosage. Also, do not extend its use beyond 4-6 weeks

Side Effects

Suppression of own testosterone secretion significant
Negative impact on the liver very strong
Negative impact on the kidneys no
Negative impact on the cardiovascular system possible
Increased aggression possible
Hair loss on the head, hair growth on the body not observed
Acne no
Gynecomastia no

Use by Women

Due to the high likelihood of virilization, fluoxymesterone is practically unsuitable for use by women.

Disclaimer: The site administration does not promote the use of anabolic steroids or any other pharmaceuticals. The information is provided for informational purposes only, is not a guide to action and does not replace medical advice.

Ivan Vlasov
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