Androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS)

Androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) are widely used in various sports to increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance.

In bodybuilding, where appearance and muscle development play a key role, the use of AAS is prevalent.

This page contains information regarding androgenic anabolic steroids, their effects on the body, and their use in sports, including bodybuilding.

Additionally, the publications also cover some other related issues that intersect with this topic.

Androgenic Anabolic Steroids in Sports

Boost Free Testosterone: 5 Proven Ways to Reduce SHBG on an AAS Cycle

Five ways to reduce sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) during an androgenic anabolic steroid cycle. Below are listed the drugs that can help reduce SHBG. Read more...

Comprehensive Guide to Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) in Sports

The use of androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) is no longer confined to professional athletes. This phenomenon has become widespread among the general population, including... Read more...

Oxandrolone Safe? The Unique Anti-Catabolic Steroid for Strength & Recovery

Oxandrolone is truly unique; it stands apart in the realm of anabolic steroids. This drug was created in 1964 by the American company Searle Co and was sold under the trade name... Read more...

Oxymetholone Is it the Best Choice for Muscle Gain? Uses, Dosage, Side Effects & Reviews for Bodybuilders

Oxymetholone was created in 1960 in Mexico, but it was brought into production by the American company Syntex under the trade name "Anadrol-50". The initial purpose of... Read more...

Trenbolone: the "King" of Steroids! Uses, Dosages and Side Effects

Trenbolone is a derivative of nandrolone: it also lacks the methyl group at the 19th position. This endows the molecule of the anabolic steroid with the ability to resist two... Read more...

Masteron vs Proviron: What's the Difference and Which to Choose?

"Masteron" (drostanolone) and "Proviron" (mesterolone) are often considered completely different drugs, and many try to use them together. However, they have more in common than... Read more...

Choosing the Right Testosterone Dosage: How to Find the Perfect Balance for Maximum Results

In this article, we discuss the rationale behind using different testosterone dosages to achieve various effects, indicators, or results. We explore the use of "soft" dosages and... Read more...

Stanozolol: Oral vs. Injectable - Which is Right for You?

Everyone knows a drug called stanozolol. True, many know it by the name of the most popular brand – "Winstrol," rather than by the name of the active ingredient, but that is not... Read more...

Boost Your Libido: Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Sex Drive

What is libido, and what does it depend on? The term "libido" was introduced by Sigmund Freud. For him, it meant: "sexual desire or sexual instinct." Carl Jung somewhat expanded... Read more...

Hair Loss During Steroid Cycles: Combatting Baldness with Proven Strategies

Baldness adorns a man and definitely makes him more attractive. Not convinced? Still want to have hair on your head, while not giving up on "anabolics"? Then you've come to the... Read more...

Turinabol: Effects, Dosage, Side Effects & Reviews for Bodybuilders

Turinabol — this is the drug that will be discussed in this article. Some nuances of its use in bodybuilding and other sports are considered. Data on the effects of Turinabol on... Read more...

Hormone Replacement Therapy (TRT): A Comprehensive Guide for Men

Hormones make us who we are. They are not the only factors, of course, but hormones significantly influence our behavior and physical development. Our mood depends on hormones,... Read more...

Is Estradiol in Men Friend or Foe? The Truth About Estradiol: How This Female Hormone Affects Men

Estradiol is an exclusively female hormone; moreover, it can be called the main female sex hormone. However, it is also found in the male body, sometimes even in significant... Read more...

Methandrostenolone: The "Godfather" of Steroids - Benefits, Risks, and Uses

Methandrostenolone (methandienone) is the anabolic steroid that holds a special place in the history of sports in general and bodybuilding in particular. So special that calling... Read more...

Do Steroids Clog Androgen Receptors? Truth About AAS and Muscle Growth

I'll start with this: it seems to me that I have understood where the word "clogged" in relation to receptors comes from. Of course, this is my version, not necessarily correct,... Read more...

List of Steroids for Cutting and Competition Prep

I'll make one clarification: it is possible to adequately prepare for a competition, that is, to "dry out", using any androgenic anabolic steroid. All AAS to some extent... Read more...

The Most Popular Steroids: Surprising Differences in US and European Steroid Preferences

I have long planned to write an article reviewing the most popular drugs used in sports, but there was never a suitable opportunity. And now, two studies have just come out, or... Read more...

Intermittent Steroid Cycles: A Guide to Safe and Effective AAS Use for Muscle Growth

In the realm of androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS), various administration strategies have been developed to optimize their efficacy and minimize adverse effects. One such... Read more...

Fluoxymesterone: Not for Bulking, But a Powerlifter's Secret Weapon

Fluoxymesterone is a derivative of testosterone, somewhat similar to trenbolone. As with trenbolone, the main changes affected the B and C rings of the molecule: a fluorine atom... Read more...

How Anabolic Steroids Impact Your Immunity: What You Need to Know

Androgenic Anabolic Steroids and Their Impact on Immunity. You may find this publication not so interesting – after all, not everyone uses the substances hidden behind the... Read more...

Clomid vs. Tamoxifen: Key Differences and Uses in Post-Cycle Therapy

Clomid and Tamoxifen — these are the drugs discussed below. The main differences and similarities are listed, indications for use are provided, and recommendations are given on... Read more...

Exploring Safe and Effective "Low-Dose" Testosterone Cycles

In a study, the results of which were published in 2007 in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (JSCR), young healthy men received 275-315 mg of testosterone... Read more...

Boost Your HDL on Steroids: Safeguard Your Heart with Simple Steps!

A common problem during an anabolic steroid cycle is the reduction of high-density lipoproteins (HDL, "good" cholesterol). Such a reduction can potentially cause trouble for the... Read more...

Spotting Fake Steroids: Why Blood Tests Alone Aren't Enough

The modern market of sports pharmacology is quite specific. Users of AAS often encounter counterfeits or ineffective drugs. Hence arises the question: "how can one determine the... Read more...