2022 Olympia Men's Physique Results

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2022 Olympia Men's Physique Results
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Last year at the Olympia stage in the Men's Physique category, a new participant named Erin Banks made his debut.

From the first moments, he challenged the reigning champion Brandon Hendrickson and managed to win the silver, which is a very significant achievement, especially for a newcomer.

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Results of Olympia 2022 Men's Physique

At the 2022 Olympia, the rivalry between Banks and Hendrickson promised to be more intense and challenging. Could Brandon maintain his leadership and become a four-time Mr. Olympia? Read below.

The review includes photos, videos, the final tournament table, prize money amounts, and links to results in other divisions of the 2022 Olympia. Let's start summarizing the tournament with a review of the Top 6 Men's Physique leaders.

At the bottom of the page, there is a video comparing the Top 3 leaders of the Men's Physique division.

Kyron Holden 6th place

Closing the Top 6 best athletes in Men's Physique is Kyron Holden. This year, the athlete failed to improve or even demonstrate last year's result.

The emergence of new promising athletes creates tougher competition—resulting in Kyron dropping two positions and taking 6th place at the 2022 Olympia.

Olympia 2022 Men's Physique — Kyron Holden

Edvan Palmeira 5th place

Debutant Edvan Ferreira Palmeira surpasses Kyron Holden. In his first Olympia, the athlete immediately becomes fifth and receives $4000 as an encouraging prize.

Olympia 2022 Men's Physique — Edvan Ferreira Palmeira

Charjo Grant 4th place

Charjo Grant significantly improved his result compared to the 2021 Olympia. The athlete rises from twelfth position to fourth and takes home $6000. Excellent work, and this year can be confidently called very productive for Charjo.

Olympia 2022 Men's Physique— Charjo Grant

Top 3 Olympia 2022 Men's Physique

Diogo Montenegro 3rd place

Diogo probably has much larger ambitions beyond the top 3 of Olympia, and it's quite possible that in the future he will still be able to improve and surprise the audience with his physique. However, at the moment, the judges deemed the athlete's efforts worthy of only third place.

Diogo Montenegro couldn't rise higher and occupies the same position in the final tournament table as last year. The athlete earns another bronze medal and takes home $10,000 as a consolation prize.

Olympia 2022 Men's Physique — Diogo Ferreira Montenegro

Brandon Hendrickson 2nd place

This year, Brandon Hendrickson failed to win and become a four-time holder of the "Mr. Olympia" title in the Men's Physique category.

It's difficult to formulate any constructive criticisms regarding Brandon's physique. He was good, came on stage in excellent condition, and was as charismatic as ever.

However, in the final tally, Hendrickson conceded a whopping 5 points to the new leader. Well, in the history of the Olympia, there has already been a case where Brandon lost the championship title, then returned and won again.

Olympia 2022 Men's Physique — Brandon Hendrickson

Erin Banks Winner of Olympia 2022 Men's Physique

It is Erin Banks who becomes the winner in the Men's Physique category. This athlete achieves a monumental success, as it is only his second appearance on the Olympia stage.

Just a reminder, in his debut Olympia last year, Erin Banks took second place. A year later, the athlete becomes the holder of the title of the most prestigious fitness tournament.

Let's see how events unfold further. Will Brandon Hendrickson take revenge or, on the contrary, will the new champion only strengthen his leadership position — the next Olympia will show.

Olympia 2022 Men's Physique — Erin Banks

2022 Olympia Men's Physique: Erin Banks vs Brandon Hendrickson

Olympia 2022 Men's Physique — Erin Banks vs Brandon Hendrickson

Video Top 3 Olympia 2022 Men's Physique

Top 3 Men's Physique Olympia 2022 — Erin Banks, Brandon Hendrickson, Diogo Montenegro

The judging panel was in close proximity to the stage and, of course, witnessed the athletes firsthand. Having the opportunity to more closely evaluate the athletes' physique, we can only hope that the judges made the right decisions this time.

Tournament Table Top 15

PlaceParticipantCountryPrize Money
1 Erin Banks USA $50,000
2 Brandon Hendrickson USA $20,000
3 Diogo Montenegro Brazil $10,000
4 Charjo Grant USA $6,000
5 Edvan Palmeira Brazil $4,000
6 Kyron Holden USA
7 Ryan Terry UK
8 Corey Morris USA
9 Ali Bilal Belgium
10 Andre Ferguson USA
11 Jahvair Mullings USA
12 Emanual Hunter USA
13 Vitor Chaves Brazil
14 Alexander Toplyn USA
15 Carlos DeOliveira Brazil
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    Anna Victowa · 2 years ago
    Да, действительно, Хендриксон и правда был очень хорош!
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