Use of Triiodothyronine in Bodybuilding
Indeed, if triiodothyronine is used incorrectly, it can easily destroy your muscles.
The tips provided in this small article are aimed at eliminating all the negative aspects of triiodothyronine and making the use of this remarkable substance more effective.
Duration of T3 Use
Let's start with the basics – the duration of T3 use. You should always remember one very simple rule – the "three-week rule."
Three weeks is the period of time beyond which the use of triiodothyronine should not be extended.
Anabolic Steroids
The second rule states that triiodothyronine must be taken only together with anabolic steroids, which can suppress the catabolic activity of T3, as it is essentially a catabolic hormone.
Insulin can also help in small doses. However, it should be remembered that in the presence of insulin, fat burning does not occur.
Growth Hormone
The catabolic activity of triiodothyronine is also reduced by growth hormone. Here, T3 finds a good ally in synthetic somatotropin – both substances attack fat from different angles.
There is also another benefit to using these substances together: growth hormone (especially if used for a long time, daily, and in sufficiently high doses) suppresses the thyroid gland. T3 helps mitigate the effects of this suppression.
Low-Carbohydrate Diet
The next important rule: triiodothyronine is incompatible with a strict low-carbohydrate diet. So if you have planned a "carbohydrate depletion", exclude T3 from your "pharma regimen" during this period.
Triiodothyronine and Thyroxine
Recently, the use of triiodothyronine has been combined with another thyroid hormone – thyroxine (T4).
The sense in combining these drugs is only for people with thyroid hypofunction. For everyone else, such a combination will bring nothing but harm.
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Что касается суточной дозы, то:
для «сжигания» жира она должна составлять
75-125 мкг в сутки (лучше начинать с более низкой – повысить можно всегда)
для стимуляции синтеза белка, ускорения
накопления гликогена в мышцах, повышения
энергообеспечения мышц – 25-50 мкг в сутки