Fat Burners: Effective Agents, Usage Schemes, and Efficacy

The term "fat burner" is used to describe dietary supplements or pharmaceutical products that are claimed to stimulate lipolysis, increase energy expenditure, impair fat absorption, promote weight loss, enhance fat oxidation during exercise, or induce some form of long-term adaptation conducive to fat metabolism.

Sometimes these substances or their usage schemes involve multiple ingredients, each with a specific mechanism of action and/or a synergistic effect when used in combination.

The list of biologically active substances that are claimed to increase or improve fat metabolism is extensive. The most popular supplements include caffeine, carnitine, green tea, conjugated linoleic acid, forskolin, chromium, algae, and fucoxanthin.

According to the available scientific literature, some of these agents do indeed have a positive impact on fat metabolism.

This page contains information about various dietary supplements and pharmaceutical products that in one way or another influence fat metabolism, i.e., possess "fat-burning" properties.

Fat Burners

Triiodothyronine (T3): A Bodybuilder's Guide to Safe Usage! Maximize Fat Loss

The thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3) is generally used outside of medicine as a fat-burning agent. The late sports pharmacology "guru" Dan Duchaine called it the best friend... Read more...

Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin (ECA) Fat Burner: Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects

A brief guide to one of the most popular fat burners. This discussion will focus on ECA. You probably know that the main component of this complex is ephedrine. Firstly, it's... Read more...

L-Carnitine: Beyond the Fat Burning Myth. Unexpected Benefits You Should Know

L-carnitine can already be called a trend in the world of sports nutrition: a genuinely useful supplement is attributed with some mythical properties. Customers expect a miracle,... Read more...

Fat Burner Types Explained: Stimulants, Metabolism Boosters, and More for Effective Weight Loss

For some reason, it is believed that “fat burners” are self-sufficient: just include any of them in your fat loss program, and the fat will disappear without the slightest change... Read more...

How to use growth hormone for fat burning

When using growth hormone for the purpose of "burning" fat, the volume of a single injection may not exceed 2 IU when administered subcutaneously or range from 1 to 2 IU when... Read more...