Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) Protocols: Examples and Strategies for Testosterone Recovery

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Post-Cycle Therapy Protocols: Two Real-Life Examples and Strategies for Testosterone Recovery
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This article serves as a kind of sequel to the article Clomid and Tamoxifen: What's the Difference?

Here, I'll demonstrate post-cycle recovery from anabolic steroids in two real-life cases. These cases were not from my practice—both were cited in the Sport Medicine journal (though I may be mistaken, but it was definitely in one of the scientific publications).

Ivan Vlasov fitness athlete — shapeexpert
Ivan Vlasov project creator 2gym micro logo
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Example PCT #1

This case turned out to be relatively straightforward. The subject was a man who had been using a combination of different drugs for a long period of time (about six months).

The minimum dosage was 500 mg of testosterone enanthate per week, with the maximum exceeding two grams per week. In addition to testosterone, metenolone enanthate ("Primobolan"), boldenone undecylenate, stanozolol, and turinabol could be added.

The subject's levels were as follows: luteinizing hormone (LH) -

Recovery procedure lasted 32 days, during which the following were used: human chorionic gonadotropin - 2500 IU every fourth day, clomid - 50 mg twice a day, tamoxifen - 10 mg twice a day.

Tests were taken 15 days after completion of this procedure. They yielded the following results: LH - 5.2 mIU/ml, testosterone - 37.13 nmol/l.

So, the recovery was more than successful, although it would have been interesting to see the results approximately one and a half months after stopping the gonadotropin injections.

However, in this case, it's not about gonadotropin but about selective estrogen receptor modulators. In the aforementioned article, I wrote that clomid is usually best used together with tamoxifen.

However, with a daily dose of 100 mg of tamoxifen, it may not bring anything new to the recovery process. Although, I concede that in this case, the process may have progressed more "vigorously" thanks to tamoxifen.

Example PCT #2

This case turned out to be much more complicated as nandrolone was used during the "cycle," a drug that strongly suppresses the production of endogenous testosterone.

The research subject received injections of 400 mg of nandrolone decanoate per week for several months.

His levels were as follows: LH -

Human chorionic gonadotropin was used - 2500 IU every fourth day, clomid - 50 mg twice a day, tamoxifen - 10 mg twice a day.

After 32 days of therapy, there were no noticeable changes. The second stage lasted 60 days and included the use of: gonadotropin - 5000 IU every four days (from the thirtieth day - 2500 IU every 4 days), clomid - 50 mg twice a day, tamoxifen - 10 mg twice a day.

These two months also did not bring any changes. The third stage lasted 32 days, and "heavy artillery" was employed - menotropin. The first 16 days, however, involved only gonadotropin injections, but it was decided to administer them more frequently - 5000 IU every other day.

On the second stage, the volume of gonadotropin injections was reduced to 2500 IU (still every other day), but now they were done together with menotropin injections - 150 IU.

But that's not the main thing: doctors finally decided to completely stop tamoxifen, leaving only 100 mg of clomid per day. This, along with other changes, immediately yielded positive results: 15 days after the end of this stage, the LH level was 9.8 mIU/ml, and the testosterone level was 17.58 nmol/l.


From the above, two conclusions can be drawn. First: even in the most severe cases, it is entirely possible to restore luteinizing hormone and testosterone levels to normal values.

And second: before taking any action, it is worth thinking carefully. Rather than just using whatever is readily available.

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Disclaimer: The information is provided for informational purposes only, is not a guide to action and does not replace medical advice.

Ivan Vlasov
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Fitness, lifestyle, health — three main directions dedicated to this internet resource. I simply love what I do. That's why I created the 2GYM project. Learn more
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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Eugene · 2 years ago
    What role did menotropin play in this case?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Penza · 2 years ago
    Why was using tamoxifen a mistake?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Yuri Bombela · 2 years ago
      The use of tamoxifen reduces IGF-1 levels, but even worse, it increases the number of progesterone receptors. This means that using tamoxifen after a cycle with nandrolone or trenbolone will result in a new surge of progestogenic activity from both drugs, exacerbating issues such as the risk of gynecomastia and oligospermia.
Ivan Vlasov
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