Minimizing Risks of Androgenic Anabolic Steroid Use: A Guide for Athletes

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Thinking About Steroids? Essential Guide to Safe and Effective Use
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Sports Pharmacology is in demand not only among professional athletes.

Gym-goers who train at an amateur level, in their quest to achieve the "dream body," also frequently turn their attention to various pharmaceutical aids.

Health articles are not only sought after by professional athletes.

Gym visitors who engage at an amateur level, in pursuit of the "dream body," also often turn their attention to various pharmaceutical aids due to a lack of experience or perhaps knowledge of the use of these group drugs, which can carry some risks for health.

This brief note aims to help make the use of androgenic anabolic steroids safer, however, this is far from all you should know before using AAS.

Ivan Vlasov fitness athlete — shapeexpert
Ivan Vlasov project creator 2gym micro logo
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How to Make Your Course Safer

Below are several tips and recommendations that will help make the use of sports pharmacology safer.

First Rule

Before starting to take any agent, remember whether you have a genetic predisposition to certain diseases (diabetes, blood viscosity).

If so, appropriately adjust the list of used agents.

Second Rule

Regularly undergo medical examinations or at least periodically take the necessary tests. The list of these tests is quite simple:

  1. tests for hormones luteinizing hormone, total testosterone, SHBG, estradiol, cortisol, prolactin; an IGF-1 analysis – somatomedin C is very desirable;
  2. liver tests;
  3. lipid profile: the ratio of "bad" and "good" cholesterol during the "course" tends to change for the worse;
  4. general clinical blood test – you should be interested in the indicators of blood viscosity.

Third Rule

Learn as much as possible about what you are going to take. Sometimes changes need to be made on the fly when there is simply no one to consult.

Fourth Rule

Keep a sufficiently low percentage of body fat – any "course" of AAS is more effective if your fat layer is best described as "modest."

Fifth Rule

Reduce alcohol consumption – at least during the active phase of the "course". Beer should be excluded entirely. As well as other "cheering" and "stress-relieving" means.

Sixth Rule

Carefully monitor the injection sites. Take action at the slightest hint of inflammation. Do not make injections into a place where the needle of the syringe enters with difficulty.

Seventh Rule

During the active phase of the "course", you usually increase protein consumption. And protein has some dehydrating effect – therefore, drink as much water as possible.

Eighth Rule

Do not neglect aerobic exercise.

Disclaimer: The site administration does not promote the use of anabolic steroids or any other pharmaceuticals. The information is provided for informational purposes only, is not a guide to action and does not replace medical advice.

Ivan Vlasov
fitness coach project creator
Fitness, lifestyle, health — three main directions dedicated to this internet resource. I simply love what I do. That's why I created the 2GYM project. Learn more
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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Roman · 3 years ago
    Yuri, what is the best cycle for a woman who has been training naturally for 5 years but is looking to build more volume in her shoulders? I'm interested in your opinion.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Yuri Bombela · 3 years ago
      The best cycle for a woman is to go without one... If you're serious, you should start with Primobolan or Oxandrolone solo. You can read more in my book "Sports Pharmacology for Women."
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Yuri · 3 years ago
    Good day to everyone. This is a reminder for men, but what should the reminder for women be?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Yuri Bombela · 3 years ago
      Almost the same. Women should pay close attention to the choice of drugs, dosages, and the duration of the cycle.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Yuri Bombela · 3 years ago
    All the same, except for hormone tests. Unlike men, women's "hormonal balance" restores very quickly.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Yuri · 3 years ago
    Which tests should women pay attention to and which ones should they take?
Ivan Vlasov
fitness coach health consultant
training / nutrition / supplements
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