Effective Remedies for Injuries: Expert to Faster Healing and Reduced Pain

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Heal Faster: 6 Shocking Secrets Doctors Won't Tell You About Injury Recovery!
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Training is often accompanied by injuries – there's no escaping this fact. There are countless reasons for injuries, especially for those who are avidly "working with iron."

Even consistent use of preventive measures and careful execution of exercises, unfortunately, do not always save you.

Ivan Vlasov fitness athlete — shapeexpert
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6 Remedies for Injuries

We often don't notice damage: microtraumas are so insignificant that they cause no discomfort until they accumulate to a critical mass and turn into full-fledged injuries.

These can include tears and inflammation of ligaments, cartilage damage leading to restricted joint mobility and further inflammations. Muscle tears can also occur.

An acute inflammatory process can eventually become chronic, resulting in arthritis, arthrosis, tendinitis, and bursitis.

These issues can easily disrupt your workouts and your life, limiting mobility and causing recurring pain. When damage is evident, taking preventive measures for joint wear won't help.

Most people, when faced with ligament or joint issues, first buy various glucosamines and chondroitins and start taking them chaotically, hoping that everything will quickly resolve itself.

It won't: existing damage needs to be treated, and it's best done with specialized remedies, which are definitely not supplements. Here are six of the best remedies I want to suggest.

These are, of course, pharmaceutical remedies. They have undergone clinical trials and have been proven effective in practice.

However, there will be two "semi-exceptions": one drug is still in preclinical trials, and the other is for veterinary use only but is also used successfully by people.

Finally, this article discusses injuries that require conservative treatment, not surgery. For surgical interventions, the primary "remedy" is a trauma surgeon. However, the remedies listed below will be useful for post-surgery recovery.


Here, any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) could be mentioned, but I chose "Denebol" (rofecoxib) because, in my opinion, it is the most effective of all NSAIDs.

Rofecoxib can be used to alleviate any inflammatory processes in the body but is most commonly used to treat tendon, ligament, and muscle injuries.

"Denebol" is available as injections (deep intramuscular, particularly effective in the early stages of treatment), tablets, and even ointment.

The last two forms are good for later stages or for treating chronic inflammatory conditions like arthritis, tendinitis, and bursitis.


Thymosin Beta is a veterinary drug. It is most often used to reduce joint inflammation in horses. It has also been tried for treating knee joint injuries in athletes with success.

Strictly speaking, there aren't many cases of TB500 being used to treat human injuries, so it's too early to call it a "breakthrough," but the existing results are promising.


Another remedy that, hopefully only for now, is not intended for widespread human use. Ostarine is a classic selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). It remarkably alleviates inflammation—pain subsides after just 2-3 doses.

Sold under the SARMs label, another product, though not technically a selective androgen receptor modulator, can alleviate inflammatory processes as well as Ostarine. This is Cardarine.


I don't like nandrolone! In most cases, this anabolic steroid behaves in the body like an elephant in a china shop. But this changes when it comes to the musculoskeletal system.

Here, our destructor turns into a peaceful and civilized creator due to its pronounced progestogenic activity, which gives nandrolone many unpleasant side effects but serves a good purpose here, helping to reduce inflammation and accelerate the healing process.


Perhaps the most accessible remedy of all listed. Like rofecoxib, it is versatile: it can be administered via injections or taken as tablets. Dexamethasone is a glucocorticosteroid hormone with powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

Strictly speaking, "dexa" is an emergency aid for various severe conditions that can sometimes pose a life-threatening risk. Trauma usually isn't such a condition, so the daily dose for treating musculoskeletal injuries should be significantly reduced: a maximum of 1 mg.

Again: in the early stages, it's better to administer injections—close to the affected area.

Growth Hormone

And we can't avoid mentioning growth hormone. Although it cannot alleviate inflammation, it can significantly accelerate the recovery process after injury. It stimulates collagen synthesis—the main building material for cartilage and connective tissue.

Read also Collagen against skin aging

In this case, you don't need much synthetic somatropin—no more than 2-4 units per day at the start of treatment and the same amount every other day towards the end. But the result will be remarkable.

Anti-Rating of Drugs for Injuries

When it comes to injuries, it's worth presenting not just a rating but also an "anti-rating"—a list of drugs that should be used with caution, or avoided altogether, when dealing with musculoskeletal injuries.

Read the continuation Anti-Rating of Drugs for Injuries

Sources et liens

Disclaimer: The site administration does not promote the use of any pharmaceuticals. The information is provided for informational purposes only, is not a guide to action and does not replace medical advice.

Ivan Vlasov
fitness coach project creator
Fitness, lifestyle, health — three main directions dedicated to this internet resource. I simply love what I do. That's why I created the 2GYM project. Learn more
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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Pavel · 2 years ago
    Good afternoon! Where can I buy ostarine? Is it prohibited?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Alex · 2 years ago
    Is Cardarine an effective fat-burning medication? I took it for a month and saw no results at all.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Oleksii · 2 years ago
    Yuri, which is better for accelerating healing of a knee injury from non-injectable medications - TB-500 or Ibutamoren MK-677?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Alexei · 2 years ago
    What about Diprospan? For synovitis, ligamentitis, and tenosynovitis, it has no equal. The main thing is not to do more than 4 injections per year.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Yuri Bombela · 2 years ago
      I completely agree with you! However, injections of Diprospan are still difficult to administer. I tried to select such remedies that a person could use without external assistance. Although, of course, there are also difficulties with TB-500.
Ivan Vlasov
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