Drugs to Avoid During Injuries

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Danger Zone: Drugs to Avoid During Injuries
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In the previous article I talked about the remedies that help with recovery after injuries.

More information on this topic is available on the page Body recovery

I thought that along with this, it makes sense to present, so to speak, an "anti-rating" of remedies for injuries — that is, a list of drugs that need to be taken with caution, and in the event of the slightest damage to the musculoskeletal system, should be erased from memory altogether. Temporarily, of course :)

Read: 6 remedies for injuries

Ivan Vlasov fitness athlete — shapeexpert
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Anyone who has tried to sharply reduce the level of estradiol in their body will forever remember this feeling. It's okay with mood swings, gradually turning into melancholy, which can even end in severe depression. Not that it's any good, but at least it can be somehow endured.

Another matter is inflammation. The fact is that estradiol has anti-inflammatory properties, and reducing its level exacerbates inflammatory processes. And if this level falls below all conceivable limits, you can definitely expect trouble.

By the way, it would be good to remember that some anabolic steroids — derivatives of dihydrotestosterone (mesterolone and drostanolone), as well as boldenone, have anti-estrogenic properties.


Oxandrolone does not have anti-estrogenic properties. Nevertheless, this anabolic steroid should not be taken during injury treatment. This anabolic steroid significantly suppresses the synthesis and secretion of cortisol, and a low level of cortisol does not allow for inflammation control.


Like growth hormone, injectable stanozolol can accelerate collagen synthesis. Unfortunately, this ability does not help in this case: stanozolol's ability to literally "squeeze" water out of the body — even in a healthy person, results in a feeling like sand has been poured into the joints.

Also read Collagen against skin aging

Imagine what it does to those who already have inflammation… Besides, stanozolol has a pronounced anti-progestogenic activity, and it also suppresses the synthesis and secretion of cortisol.

CJC-1295 (DAC)

This is a growth hormone secretion stimulator. That is, it seems the drug allows for raising the level of the hormone, which will clearly help with injuries.

Also read use of growth hormone in sports

In fact, even at the early stages of clinical trials, the property of CJC-1295 to not only exacerbate the course of inflammatory processes in the body — if they already exist, but also to provoke the occurrence of new ones, was noticed.

Ivan Vlasov
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