Growth Hormone Injection Frequency Guide: Daily, Split Doses, and More - Explained

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Growth Hormone Injections: One Shot or Multiple Doses? Find Your Best Regimen
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How often should growth hormone injections be administered?

This brief review examines several regimens for recombinant growth hormone (rhGH) administration, their advantages and disadvantages.

If you have decided not to bother with trying to do injections every three hours, you still have quite a few options.

Ivan Vlasov fitness athlete — shapeexpert
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One injection per day

Let's start with the dependency of injection frequency on the purpose of using growth hormone.

In cyclic sports, a common practice is a single injection of 4-6 IU – it is done either some time before the workout, or a single injection, but with a slightly higher volume, shortly before sleep.

This injection cannot maintain elevated somatotropin levels in the plasma throughout the day, but it allows for faster recovery after the load.

So, if your goal is quick recovery and nothing else particularly concerns you, then you can very well manage with a small volume injection once a day.

Moreover, a single injection is also preferable in terms of restoring the production of your own growth hormone – in case you administer exogenous somatotropin every other day.

Finally, another case where a single injection may suffice is when a large volume of growth hormone is administered.

If the volume of growth hormone administered reaches 20-25 IU, the level of somatotropin in the blood will remain elevated (definitely above the daily peaks of endogenous growth hormone) for at least 20-22 hours.

However, injecting such a volume subcutaneously at once is not very convenient, but an intramuscular injection can be used.

Other regimens and frequency options for growth hormone injections

Below are two more options for organizing a growth hormone regimen to improve athletic performance.

Two injections per day

The next option: split the daily dose into two. What advantages do we get in this case, and for what purposes is this approach most justified?

First, we get two peaks instead of one. Although the area under the curve will remain almost the same, the growth hormone level will be easier to manage.

If you use a strategy that involves administering rhGH twice a day, the injection times should be chosen so that during training the level of growth hormone in the blood is as high as possible. This is not always possible with a single daily injection.

Fat burning

If the goal is to reduce fat mass, the peaks can be timed to when the insulin level in the blood is at its lowest. Ideally, the volume of each of the two daily injections should be 8-10 IU.

After such a dose, the level of growth hormone in the plasma will remain consistently elevated (above 10 ng/ml) for about 12 hours.

Three injections per day

The third option involves three injections per day. This can be considered the most effective after the regimen involving injections every three hours.

However, with one important clarification: the volume of one injection in this case should not exceed 4-5 IU – this will keep the level of growth hormone in the blood consistently above the previously mentioned 10 ng/ml for about eight hours.

The advantages of administering rhGH three times a day are the same as with two injections, only it is even easier to plan the peaks of growth hormone levels in the blood.

But this option also has a significant downside – it is not very convenient, as one of the injections will have to be done in the middle of the day. And not everyone can carry growth hormone with them.

Disclaimer: The site administration does not promote the use of anabolic steroids or any other pharmaceuticals. The information is provided for informational purposes only, is not a guide to action and does not replace medical advice.

Ivan Vlasov
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  • This commment is unpublished.
    ruslan · 2 years ago
    8-10 МЕ при 2-ух инъекциях в день - это 16-20 единиц гр в сутки?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Yuri Bombela · 2 years ago
      Все верно, при такой дозе и периодичности уровень гормона роста будет стабильно повышен на протяжении 24 часов.
      • This commment is unpublished.
        ruslan · 2 years ago
        Even not all the first ten Mr. Olympias use such a dose :) Where would an average athlete find so much to use? Financially, only a few can afford it, and as for health, I won't even mention it. Five units are quite enough for the vast majority of athletes in training.
Ivan Vlasov
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