Estradiol and Testosterone: The Optimal Ratio for Men

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Estradiol and Testosterone: The Optimal Ratio for Men
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In fact, estradiol is two-faced: it can be either your most reliable friend or your worst enemy.

The American Medical Association recommended that all men periodically check the level of this hormone in their blood and even released a chart that compiled the ideal estradiol levels for men of different ages.

This is the second part of the article, and you can read the first part by following the link Why do men need estradiol?

Ivan Vlasov fitness athlete — shapeexpert
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Estradiol Levels for Men

In the previous article, I mentioned that unfortunately, things are not so simple when it comes to estradiol. It's pointless to focus solely on the estradiol level itself. It's like trying to determine if 30 liters of gasoline is a lot or a little.

For a small hybrid engine car, it's a lot. But for an old six-liter "American" car, it's just a "drop in the bucket."

With estradiol, it's the same: what is considered close to ideal for men of almost any age, 25 pg/ml, may sometimes be too low.

Ultimately, it all depends on the level of another hormone, which is also a sex hormone but is now the main one for men — testosterone.

It's the ratio of testosterone to estradiol levels that should be considered. Especially for those of us who are into so-called sports pharmacology.

Testosterone to Estradiol Ratio

The optimal testosterone to estradiol ratio ranges from 200:1 to 300:1, but it should not be less than 150:1. Calculating it is quite easy, despite the fact that different units are often used to measure testosterone and estradiol levels.

Testosterone levels in men are measured in nanomoles per liter (nmol/L) or nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). The relationship between these units is as follows: 1 nmol/L = 0.288 ng/ml

Estradiol levels — again, in men — are measured in picomoles per liter (pmol/L) or picograms per milliliter (pg/ml). The relationship between pmol/L and pg/ml is exactly the same:

1 pmol/L = 0.288 pg/ml, moreover,
1 ng/ml = 1000 pg/ml
1 nmol/L = 1000 pmol/L

So, if your analysis shows a testosterone level of 14.5 nmol/L, and an estradiol level of 21.8 pg/L, the ratio between them is calculated as follows:

14.5 nmol/L = (14.5 x 0.288) = 4.176 ng/ml
4.176 ng/ml x 1000 = 4176 pg/ml
4176 / 21.8 = 191.56

Thus, the testosterone to estradiol ratio in this case is approximately 192:1, which is just slightly below the ideal value.

Estradiol Level Control: Tips

Finally, here are some simple tips. First, controlling estradiol levels is easier the less body fat you have. The reason is simple: the process of aromatization of testosterone molecules into estradiol molecules often occurs in fat tissue.

Second, if you are taking testosterone injections:

  1. do not start taking anti-estrogen drugs simultaneously with the beginning of testosterone injections — wait at least two weeks and measure your estradiol level;
  2. remember that it's easier to "lower" estradiol levels than to raise them;
  3. make injections more frequently, but with smaller volumes — again, it's easier to control estradiol levels this way.

Finally, it's worth saying a few words about which anti-estrogen drugs are preferable. When it comes to controlling estradiol levels, the clear choice should be one of the aromatase inhibitors (letrozole, anastrozole, exemestane).

Firstly, aromatase inhibitors are far more effective than selective estrogen receptor modulators (clomid, tamoxifen, toremifene).

Secondly, once started, the latter need to be taken until the cause of the elevated estradiol level (testosterone injections, for example) is eliminated. In the case of aromatase inhibitors, you can manage with a short-term (1-2 times) intake of a very modest dose.


Remember: if you want to achieve maximum results in bodybuilding with minimal health damage, you need to constantly monitor your hormone levels. However, even if you are not concerned with building the perfect physique, such monitoring will definitely not hurt.

Disclaimer: The site administration does not promote the use of anabolic steroids or any other pharmaceuticals. The information is provided for informational purposes only, is not a guide to action and does not replace medical advice.

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