Daily Protein Intake: How Much Protein Do You Need for Muscle Growth, Weight Loss & Age-Related Health?

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Daily Protein Intake: How Much Protein Do You REALLY Need?
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As early as the beginning of the 1990s, it was definitively established that for muscle growth, the body needs no more than 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

But sports nutrition manufacturers insist that more protein is needed, sometimes much more. Are they right or not?

Ivan Vlasov fitness athlete — shapeexpert
Ivan Vlasov project creator 2gym micro logo
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Why Eat a Lot of Protein

Professor Tarnopolsky and colleagues conducted several studies, the most famous of which is: "Evaluation of Protein Requirements for Trained Strength Athletes".

Researchers' conclusion: For normal performance (muscle growth, increased strength indicators), strength athletes need no more than 1.76 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Yes, let's agree: from now on, I will simply write "grams per kilo", omitting the words "of body weight per day".

Basic Protein Needs of the Body

Okay, we dealt with the "gods", but what about the "mere mortals"? For muscle growth, they need 1.2-1.6 grams per kilo.

In general, balance in the body is observed if you consume approximately 0.8-0.85 grams of protein per kilo: there will be no muscle tissue growth, but there will be no decrease either.

So why do we need to eat a lot of protein, if at all?

Weight Loss

If you want to lose fat—not necessarily for competition, but just for yourself—you should increase protein intake to 3-4 grams per kilo per day. Naturally, with a corresponding decrease in daily carbohydrate intake.

The thing is, protein in physically active people cannot even theoretically be stored under the skin as fat, and an increased amount of protein in the diet stimulates growth hormone secretion.

Moreover, protein has a thermic effect higher than that of carbohydrates and fats—meaning more energy is spent to digest one gram of protein. Even if it enters your body as a protein shake.

By the way: this very protein shake should be consumed before training and shortly before bed—this way, fat "burning" will go even better.


Protein needs increase after 45-50 years, and men and women who reach 65 years should increase their daily protein intake to at least two, if not two and a half grams per day.

This will help avoid sarcopenia—the gradual loss of muscle volume and strength. It is best to combine increased protein intake with physical activity.

Protein for Optimizing Health

A diet with a high protein content and reduced carbohydrate content (55% protein, 30% carbohydrates, and 15% fats) is generally healthier: it reduces insulin resistance, thereby lowering the risk of developing metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

Additionally, such a diet helps increase high-density lipoprotein levels ("good" cholesterol), which positively affects heart and vascular health.

Professional Sports and High Protein Intake

And we must not forget to pay at least some attention to "chemists". The last phrase of the previous section applies fully to them—during a course of androgenic anabolic steroids, the level of high-density lipoproteins decreases significantly.

But that's not all: a body supported by "pharma" more effectively absorbs and uses amino acids, so "chemically enhanced" athletes need slightly more protein for muscle growth.

But "more" doesn't mean the 6-7 grams per kilo that some "pros" try to stuff themselves with by any means, but rather 2.5-3 grams. This can be increased to four grams during the "cutting" period.

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The conclusion from all that has been said is this: in most cases, you don't need to eat more than one and a half, maximum—two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Above, I have listed the cases when you might need more of this macronutrient.

But even if they apply to you, remember: 4 grams per kilo is the absolute limit; you definitely shouldn't go higher.

Ivan Vlasov
fitness coach project creator
Fitness, lifestyle, health — three main directions dedicated to this internet resource. I simply love what I do. That's why I created the 2GYM project. Learn more
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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Michael · 3 years ago
    In some sources, you may come across the claim that only animal protein should be considered sufficient, arguing that plant-based protein has a deficient amino acid profile. Please share your thoughts and indicate what the ratio should be?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Yuri Bombela · 3 years ago
      In all studies, the focus has been on high-quality (complete) protein. Except for some plant sources like lentils, quinoa, and chickpeas, animal-derived proteins qualify as such.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Yuri · 3 years ago
    And if during a cycle... after 50, how much protein is optimal?
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    Lena · 3 years ago
    Белок обязательно нужен, но не менее важно учитывать процесс его усвоения. Если есть гипоацидность, то процент усвоения белка сильно снижается, он не распадается до аминокислот, циркулирует в крови не достигая цели. Поэтому, обязательно проверяем креатинин, смотрим общий белок в крови и самое главное, узнаём свой уровень кислотности. Сейчас поголовно случаи именно гипоацидность, и, изжога, как правило, является ярким симптомом именно пониженной кислотности и слабости сфинктеров.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Alexei · 3 years ago
      здравствуйте. Общий белок и креатинин показывает усвоение белка в организма?
      • This commment is unpublished.
        Lena · 3 years ago
        креатинин показывает дефицит белка, уменьшение мышечной массы (по какой-либо причине), либо избыток мясной пищи или гормона роста, а также уровень белкового катаболизма. А по уровню ОБ можно судить о степени его усвоения (мальнутриции), уровне альбумина, железодефиците, гипоацидности и т д. Т е, если вы потребляете достаточное количество белка, то должны знать, усваивается он у вас или нет(
        • This commment is unpublished.
          Alexei · 3 years ago
          спасибо за ответ))) белка в рационе много, но всегда проверял только показатель мочевина, вывод надо учиться. Прочитал несколько раз. Тоесть если ОБ выше верхнего значения референта, то белка в рационе слишком много...и он уже будет токсичен для организма. Спасибо за информацию
      • This commment is unpublished.
        Yuri Bombela · 3 years ago
        Не совсем. Показателен баланс азота.
Ivan Vlasov
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