Protein in Sports

Protein is an essential macronutrient required by all individuals without exception. However, excessive protein intake can also have some negative consequences.

This page gathers information about protein, dietary supplements containing protein concentrate, their use in sports, and describes some points for non-athletes.

These details are intended to help you take a more rational approach to organizing your diet according to your goals, lifestyle, and individual factors.

Protein in Sports

About Protein Shakes: Do You Really Need Them?

Is Protein Necessary for those who train, as well as for people who do not engage in sports, and should protein be used during muscle mass gain or weight loss? Initially, I... Read more...

Daily Protein Intake: How Much Protein Do You REALLY Need?

As early as the beginning of the 1990s, it was definitively established that for muscle growth, the body needs no more than 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per... Read more...