Hormones and sports performance

It's no secret that sports results are directly linked to the endocrine (hormonal) system of our body. The achievements in bodybuilding and other sports heavily rely on the status of hormones.

This page gathers materials that address the topics of hormones in the context of bodybuilding.

In these materials, you will find information on how various hormones affect the processes of muscle growth, strength, endurance, and recovery after workouts.

Both natural and synthetic hormonal substances are considered, their impact on the body, as well as the consequences of improper use.

Understanding the role of hormones in sports allows athletes and coaches to develop more effective strategies, including organizing training processes, optimizing nutrition and recovery regimes to achieve the best results.

Bodybuilding and Hormones

Boost Free Testosterone: 5 Proven Ways to Reduce SHBG on an AAS Cycle

Five ways to reduce sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) during an androgenic anabolic steroid cycle. Below are listed the drugs that can help reduce SHBG. Read more...

Estradiol and Testosterone: The Optimal Ratio for Men

In fact, estradiol is two-faced: it can be either your most reliable friend or your worst enemy. The American Medical Association recommended that all men periodically check the... Read more...

Omnadren or Nebido? Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men

In January 2021, the results of an extensive study on the safety of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) were published. I decided to share them with you – in my opinion, they are... Read more...

Boost Your Libido: Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Sex Drive

What is libido, and what does it depend on? The term "libido" was introduced by Sigmund Freud. For him, it meant: "sexual desire or sexual instinct." Carl Jung somewhat expanded... Read more...

Build Muscle, Burn Fat: Use of Growth Hormone in Sports

This article discusses the role of growth hormone in sports, providing brief information on its purposes and the sports disciplines in which it is in demand. Read on to learn... Read more...

Hair Loss During Steroid Cycles: Combatting Baldness with Proven Strategies

Baldness adorns a man and definitely makes him more attractive. Not convinced? Still want to have hair on your head, while not giving up on "anabolics"? Then you've come to the... Read more...

Hormone Replacement Therapy (TRT): A Comprehensive Guide for Men

Hormones make us who we are. They are not the only factors, of course, but hormones significantly influence our behavior and physical development. Our mood depends on hormones,... Read more...

Is Estradiol in Men Friend or Foe? The Truth About Estradiol: How This Female Hormone Affects Men

Estradiol is an exclusively female hormone; moreover, it can be called the main female sex hormone. However, it is also found in the male body, sometimes even in significant... Read more...

Do Steroids Clog Androgen Receptors? Truth About AAS and Muscle Growth

I'll start with this: it seems to me that I have understood where the word "clogged" in relation to receptors comes from. Of course, this is my version, not necessarily correct,... Read more...

Boost Your Performance: How Gonadotropin Can Enhance Testosterone and Athletic Results

In this article, we will discuss the use of gonadotropin to stimulate testosterone production, including during the PCT phase after a course of anabolic steroids. The article... Read more...

Growth Hormone Injections: The Ultimate Guide for Safe & Effective Results

Growth hormone injections every 3 hours: this frequency allows synchronization with the bursts of endogenous somatotropin without disrupting its secretion. Interestingly, with... Read more...

Understanding Free vs. Bound Testosterone: Key Facts for Men's Health

What is free testosterone and bound testosterone? How do albumin and SHBG affect the biological activity of the main male hormone? This material provides brief yet informative... Read more...

Dexa: Muscle Monster or Medical Menace? The Truth About Dexamethasone in Sports

Dexamethasone is quite in demand in modern medicine, but with your permission, I will only touch upon the use of dexamethasone in sports (including bodybuilding) - especially... Read more...

Friend or Foe? Unveiling the Truth About Insulin in Bodybuilding

Insulin and Sports: This article discusses the use of this hormone in sports practice. You will learn why and for what purposes athletes use insulin injections. The principle... Read more...

Spotting Fake Steroids: Why Blood Tests Alone Aren't Enough

The modern market of sports pharmacology is quite specific. Users of AAS often encounter counterfeits or ineffective drugs. Hence arises the question: "how can one determine the... Read more...

Shocking Truth! Testosterone Protects Your Prostate, Not Destroys It! (What Doctors Got Wrong)

“All without exception anabolic steroids negatively affect the prostate” – this misconception is so widespread in medical circles that it almost feels awkward to debunk it. But it... Read more...