All about male libido: how to increase it and reasons for decreased sexual desire

Sometimes in the lives of some men, an unpleasant condition may occur, characterized by a decrease in sexual desire. If the decrease in libido is associated with unfavorable moments in life and is episodic and short-term, then there is probably no special cause for concern.

However, there are often cases where low libido accompanies a man for quite a long period of time. In this case, it is worth paying attention to it, searching for the reasons, and solving the problem.

There may be several reasons for a decrease in libido, both physiological and psychological.

Physiological factors that can lead to a decrease in libido include low testosterone levels, pharmaceutical preparations, excessive physical activity, or, conversely, its absence, lifestyle, lack of rest, alcohol consumption, drug use, and other harmful habits.

Psychological factors can also have a serious impact on sexual desire, including depression, frequent stress, relationship problems, and more.

This page contains materials with information that can help increase libido and sexual desire in men.

Attention is paid to various issues, including a decrease in libido against the background of intense training in athletes, as well as due to age-related changes, and due to hormone imbalances, and many other related topics that can affect men's health in one way or another.

Male Libido

Estradiol and Testosterone: The Optimal Ratio for Men

In fact, estradiol is two-faced: it can be either your most reliable friend or your worst enemy. The American Medical Association recommended that all men periodically check the... Read more...

Omnadren or Nebido? Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men

In January 2021, the results of an extensive study on the safety of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) were published. I decided to share them with you – in my opinion, they are... Read more...

Boost Your Libido: Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Sex Drive

What is libido, and what does it depend on? The term "libido" was introduced by Sigmund Freud. For him, it meant: "sexual desire or sexual instinct." Carl Jung somewhat expanded... Read more...

Hormone Replacement Therapy (TRT): A Comprehensive Guide for Men

Hormones make us who we are. They are not the only factors, of course, but hormones significantly influence our behavior and physical development. Our mood depends on hormones,... Read more...

Low Libido? Fight the Fade: How to Boost Your Testosterone and Recharge Your Sex Drive

Sometimes it happens that men lose their sexual desire for a while. The reasons for this can be psychological factors, stress, and fatigue. It is also known that the level of... Read more...

Is Estradiol in Men Friend or Foe? The Truth About Estradiol: How This Female Hormone Affects Men

Estradiol is an exclusively female hormone; moreover, it can be called the main female sex hormone. However, it is also found in the male body, sometimes even in significant... Read more...

Don't Be Fooled by ZMA Myths: What This Supplement Can (and Can't) Do For You

Many sports supplements are shrouded in legends: rumors attribute to them properties unattainable for pharmaceutical drugs, which can magically solve all your problems. One such... Read more...

Understanding Free vs. Bound Testosterone: Key Facts for Men's Health

What is free testosterone and bound testosterone? How do albumin and SHBG affect the biological activity of the main male hormone? This material provides brief yet informative... Read more...

Beyond Erection: Can Tadalafil Really Boost Testosterone?

For a long time, it was believed that the difference between sildenafil and tadalafil lay only in pharmacokinetics: the first acts faster but leaves the body more quickly, while... Read more...