Testosterone in bodybuilding and other sports
Testosterone is the primary androgenic (male) hormone and one of the most common doping agents.
Athletes involved in strength sports, including bodybuilding, athletics, wrestling, cycling, and others, have been using testosterone for decades due to its properties that help achieve better sporting performance.
In disciplines such as bodybuilding and weightlifting, the main value of testosterone lies primarily in its contribution to muscle mass gain and increase in strength accordingly.
Testosterone is a hormone present in both male and female bodies, but in different quantities and predominates in the male. The hormone synthesized by the body is called endogenous.
However, athletes from various disciplines often resort to the use of exogenous testosterone, i.e., its artificial forms, represented in the form of pharmaceuticals, also known as sports pharmacology.
This page gathers materials containing information regarding the use of exogenous testosterone in bodybuilding and other sports.
Use of Testosterone in Sports
Choosing the Right Testosterone Dosage: How to Find the Perfect Balance for Maximum Results
Exploring Safe and Effective "Low-Dose" Testosterone Cycles
Testosterone Killers: Unveiling Hidden Medications that Lower Your T-Levels
Understanding Free vs. Bound Testosterone: Key Facts for Men's Health