Injectable AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids)

Anabolic steroids are pharmaceutical substances, the active ingredient of which is a synthetic analogue of the male sex hormone testosterone or its derivatives.

The full name of this group of drugs is called androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS). Although many drugs in this group were originally developed for other purposes, some of them have found their application in sports disciplines, including bodybuilding.

AAS are available on the market in tablet and injectable forms. The form of release determines the pharmacological properties of the drug. Typically, oral AAS have a shorter half-life than injectable forms and also have different effects on the body.

This page provides information only regarding injectable anabolic steroids. Possible side effects, features of use in sports, and other related materials on this topic are described.

Important: Injectable steroids are only intended for intramuscular injection and are not meant for intravenous administration!

More information about the use of AAS and other pharmaceutical substances in sports practice can be found in the sports pharmacology section.

Injectable Anabolic Steroids

Trenbolone: the "King" of Steroids! Uses, Dosages and Side Effects

Trenbolone is a derivative of nandrolone: it also lacks the methyl group at the 19th position. This endows the molecule of the anabolic steroid with the ability to resist two... Read more...

Choosing the Right Testosterone Dosage: How to Find the Perfect Balance for Maximum Results

In this article, we discuss the rationale behind using different testosterone dosages to achieve various effects, indicators, or results. We explore the use of "soft" dosages and... Read more...

Stanozolol: Oral vs. Injectable - Which is Right for You?

Everyone knows a drug called stanozolol. True, many know it by the name of the most popular brand – "Winstrol," rather than by the name of the active ingredient, but that is not... Read more...